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Exploring the world. Product manager at tech company. Mapmaker at Wellingtons Travel Co.

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Biggest Problem with Online Shopping

I really don't like how Amazon makes it so easy to buy new things sometimes.

It's easier and cheaper to buy new than to buy secondhand (for many things). I think that's horrible.

I'm moving and have a lot of stuff. It's not worth my time to individually sell something for $14. I still try, but it's hard to find a buyer and eBay and Paypal are so buggy for me that I literally am unable to. Basically my options are:

  1. Sell each item individually.
  2. Advertise a moving sale.
  3. Donate it.
  4. Give to friends.
  5. Trash it.

Guess which option is the easiest? Like may other people, I'm trashing things for no other reasons than it's easier than all the other options.

I'd really like to see a company successfully address this.

So far I've found one. Do you know other companies like Gone?



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