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Senior product manager for Uber-like startup focused on the business market. Owned the passenger web interfaces and business travel portal.

Developer of website and mobile apps for people going through breakups. App development continues in collaboration with University of Arizona.

Maker of the game-like and easy to use to-do app, featured on Lifehacker.

Lead product manager for the Airbnb of Europe.

Wellingtons Travel Co.
Founder, product designer, and owner of an old fashioned mapping company in London.

Featured by The Guardian, Time Out, Mapping London, Londonist and Chris Ward Magazine (below).

Chief user experience researcher and product marketer at Kera (acquired by Autodesk). Best practice blog still available online or download the complete web archive.

Read my analysis of the progress bar on KISSmetrics
Product Manager of OANDA's forex app store.

A JavaScript web app that I built to help you go to bed. Good project for learning NoSQL + AngularJS + Node.js.

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